October 14, 2008

New Earrings :D

My week has been insane. I am busy beyond reason and I'm losing my mind. I found a tiny bit of time in which to put together three pairs of earrings that I had in mind.

My birthday is Thursday (October 16th) and aside from that, I've got papers and midterms galore. I'm going bloody nuts!!! However, I took a bit of birthday money and put it out there so I could buy a few new things. With those new things (and some old ones), these few pieces came about.

I hope you enjoy the photos. These won't make it to my etsy site for a few more days, because I simply don't have time.

I don't know what my kick with nature is, but to be honest, I'm really loving the natural look of some of these pieces.

The earrings made with brass aren't really nature-inspired, but still pretty. Don't you think? :D

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